I tried SPAM Musubi Tuna Mayonnaise from Family Mart!

画像:SPAMむすびツナマヨネーズのパッケージ Foods

I tried SPAM Musubi Tuna Mayonnaise sold at Family Mart in Japan.

The salty SPAM goes great with rice.


SPAM Musubi Tuna Mayonnaise is an omusubi sold by Family Mart in Japan.

SPAM Musubi is a famous specialty of Okinawa.

Until now, you had to go to Okinawa to have a chance to eat it,

But now you can have delicious SPAM musubi at convenience stores.


Here is the package.

Image: SPAM Musubi Tuna Mayonnaise package

A picture of SPAM Musubi is printed on it.

Here is the back side of the package.

Image: SPAM Musubi Tuna Mayonnaise package back

Various notations are listed.

Price and Calories

The price, container, and calories are as follows.

Price278 yen (about $2.39)
Container1 piece
Calories392kcal per package

Where to Buy

Available at FamilyMart stores outside Okinawa in Japan.


Here’s what’s inside the package.

Image: SPAM Musubi Tuna Mayonnaise

Inside is SPAM, egg rolls and tuna mayo.

Image: SPAM Musubi Tuna Mayonnaise cross-section

The size seems to be about 1.5 times larger than a regular convenience store omusubi.

It is quite a large omusubi.

The salty SPAM and rice go well together.

The tuna mayo also has a strong flavor and is as gutsy as it looks.


This article introduced SPAM Musubi Tuna Mayonnaise from FamilyMart in Japan.

Until now, there were not many opportunities to eat SPAM musubi unless you go to Okinawa,

Now you can enjoy SPAM musubi easily at convenience stores.

If you see SPAM Musubi at FamilyMart, please try it.

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